Fun Fact Friday--Good Friday Edition 2013

Fun Fact Friday--Good Friday Edition

In honor of my Lord Jesus Christ, I have a special Fun Fact Friday for you all. . .

 Five things . . .

Jesus has done for me:

  1. Given me Eternal Life that no one in this world can steal from me. 
  2. Allowed a broken soul like mine to STILL be used for good in this evil world.
  3. Given me a beautiful, dysfunctional family on both sides of the aisle and I love them all. 
  4. Died on the cross, a horrible, shameful death, that none of us can fathom. 
  5. Allowed the Holy Spirit to give me peace like a river in the middle of chaos. 
  I have noticed as I grow in the Spirit:

  1. The closer I get to God, the more I realize how much I need Him. 
  2. God is the same yesterday, today and forever
  3. Despite all the evil in the world and the downward spiral of our precious nation, God is omniscient and will remain in control.  
  4. The spirit of discernment is a blessing. Listening to that spirit is getting a little easier each day
  5. Jesus is often in disguise--the Holy Spirit has made me keenly aware of the unloved and my responsibility to those in my path.
 Necessary for spiritual growth:
  1.   Daily time with your Lord. You can't get to know Him or His ways in the rush of life without taking specific, set aside time to lay it all at the altar, listening for His voice
  2. Daily time in the Word.  We are souls who must be fed.  Ignore the Word, risk soul starvation. Pretty simple. 
  3. Living out your purpose in the Lord.  Ignoring the calling on your heart is only putting off the blessings.  Follow that passion God has placed in your soul, and know He will provide
  4. Fellowship with other believers.  Two heads are better than one, and so are two (or more) Christians. God created our hearts for communion with others. 
  5. Loving the unlovable, and serving our Lord.  Step out of your comfort zone; walk where others won't; be the salt; be the light
~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am so honored to be alive and to belong my Lord.  I get so verklempt at how much my cup runneth over.  I am FULLY aware of the grace and mercy He has allowed in my life. 

Happy Easter to all of you! May you be able to fully enjoy your blessings this weekend! 
Check out what other "5 Fact Friday" bloggers are revealing about themselves by clicking the button below! 

©2012-2013 Coffee, Cobwebs, and Curriculum. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. This is beautiful, poignant and TRUE. Happy Easter to my awesome sister, from your awesome sister :P. God bless the Dysfunction which brought us together and gave us to each other. Love you!

  2. Some very wonderfully true yet convicting points in your post. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for linking up and for encouraging me to do the link up in the first place!

    I enjoyed your post. Very convicting.

  4. Love the way to treated this week's 5 Friday. Have a blessed Easter as well.


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