Home at Last

My Abbey was (is) not a great traveler. Never has been. She was one of those babies who, instead of calming down when placed in the car seat, would scream like a banshee until we reached our destination. We avoided long trips with her like the plague.

 As she got older, the crying was replaced with whining and complaining.

My tummy hurts.

I'm cold. 

My seatbelt's too tight.

Aaaagghhh, how much longer?

Once she turned about nine years old, she got a little better at enjoying the journey. One reason: she learned the special trick we all eventually learn: taking a nap makes the trip go by a lot faster. On one road trip with her around that time, she observed, "You know, when I fall asleep in my car seat, I don't wake up when we're at red lights or stop signs. I don't wake up until we're permanently home." 

Using that big word correctly made me smile, and it also made me realize something: 

Most days, I feel as if I am not a very good "life" traveler.  

I am tired; I am hurting; I never get my to-do list completed.  Good grief.  Some days I even look forward to bedtime from the time I get out of bed. And I am not alone. I know many of you feel the same way because our lives are so overwhelmingly busy. While I am happy, settled, and blessed in my life, and I definitely don't want to go Home yet, I do secretly hope Jesus Christ comes back soon.   

We know this life is temporary.

We know we are looking through a glass darkly.

We know our bodies won't last forever and that we will see our Lord in face-to-face 
completeness one day.

We know that beautiful clarity will soon be ours.

We know that life, like a nap, doesn't last long.

And when we are all  'permanently' Home, we will wake up like
never before. Oh, glorious day! 


"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
